DIY Face Mask For Instant Glowing Skin

Face Mask For Glowing Skin | DIY Face Mask For Instant Glowing Skin | Facemask to reduce acne scars and pimples.

First and foremost ingredient of this facemasks is orange peel which makes it different from most of the other face masks. Nowadays so many facemasks are available in the market. But they do contain some preservatives. Whereas homemade facemasks are fresh and ready to use masks with no preservatives or chemicals. In the fresh homemade mask, all the active ingredients are present which gives an immediate result to the skin.

How to make orange peel powder for the face mask?

  • Eat the oranges and take the peels, make them dry in the sun.
  • You can even make them dry on micro woven( keep it for 5 minutes).
  • If the peel is dried and easily breakable, then blend it to form a powder.
  • Filter the powder and keep the big particles for scrubbing.
  • Now you can make face masks and even scrubs.

Benefits of using Orange Peel

  • Orange peel contains the goodness of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. As a result, It helps to control acne and smoothens out skin inflammations.
  • It can also be used to remove sun tan. As it works both as a scrub and a mask which helps to remove tan giving a glowing skin.
  • First of all, orange peels are packets full of vitamins C and other nutrients.
  • It works best as an anti-aging agent. Most of the anti-aging creams contain some amount of orange peel in it. As it helps to reduce wrinkles and dullness of the skin.
  • Regular consumption of orange helps to give you healthy skin, reduce fat and maintain weight.
  • Whereas regular use of peel off masks helps to give you a glowing skin with no scars and acne on your face.
  • As it is filled with citric acid, it helps to remove blackheads and unclog pores.
  • It helps to control allergic reactions on the skin, as it contains anti-allergic property.
  • Orange peel can be used as a room freshener. When we inhale the air, it helps to get rid of a headache and make you feel more relaxed. Just take some peel powder and put it in the boiling water to make the room freshener.
  • If you have oily skin, with lots of acne and acne scar, the peel of mask helps to controls acne. And its one of the best facemask for oily skin people.
  • Peels of orange are filled with orange oil which helps to regenerate the skin making it more brighter and healthier.

DIY Orange Peel Face Mask For Glowing Skin

Time to make the mask and apply it on the skin (all over the face and the neck area). Now you have made the main ingredient of the mask, ie orange peel powder.

Ingredients required

  • 1 tbsp of orange peel powder.
  • 2 tbsp of gram flour.
  • 2 tbsp of curd ( to make a smooth paste).

Gram flour For Glowing Skin

Gram flour helps to make the skin more bright and tighter. And its one of the best ingredients in the face masks for glowing skin, as it is used to reduce acne and excess oil from the skin.

Curd For Glowing Skin

It helps to increase complexion as it contains lactic acid. It works best as a bleaching agent which removes the scars. As curd contains essential fatty acids and vitamin b complex, It helps to reduce pigmentation and give a glowy skin.

Always take the same measurement for a face mask as shared above. Mix all the ingredients in a clean bowl and apply the facemask on the skin for at least 15-20 minutes. Let it dry slightly and but not completely.

Then scrub your face with a splash of water on your face. As scrubbing helps to remove the skin tan and the citric acid present in the orange peel helps to remove it in a better way.

It can also be used on the body to remove tan and also for skin discolorations. As these masks help you get brighter skin.

How Many Times Can You Use The Face Mask For Glowing Skin

If you are suffering from acne scars and acne, then you can use it daily for best results.

If you just want to use it to make your skin look brighter and whitish, then use it at least thrice a week for best results. As it contains acidic properties, regularly using it makes the skin more sensitive.

People with oily skin should apply it twice a week, to get rid of oiliness and dullness.

Also, read:

How To Get Glowing Skin

By Sajna